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A dedicated server from ActiveGameHost offers performance, reliability and the latest server hardware. With everyone who works at ActiveGameHost, with over 20+ years combined experience. We offer 24/7 live chat and support tickets to everyone. Our company is registered and has 10/10 Recommend and 9.8/10 TrustScore on TrustSpot. We have dedicated server hosting for Team Fortress 2, Ark: Survival Evolved, Dark and Light, 7 Days To Die, Citadel: Forged with Fire, Conan Exiles, Rust. We offer 24 hour free trial and no questions asked 3 day money back guarantee! Free server backups every 12 hours at no extra charge too! We are also even TopArkServers Offical Partner.
Last edited by AGH_Lenora (29/01/2018 01:39 AM)
A dedicated server from ActiveGameHost offers performance, reliability and the latest server hardware. With everyone who works at ActiveGameHost, with over 20+ years combined experience. We offer 24/7 live chat and support tickets to everyone. Our company is registered and has 10/10 Recommend and 10/10 TrustScore on TrustSpot. We offer 24 hour free trial and 20% off first time 4QC31OVOM3 ARK.